All American Assisted Living in Washington Township
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Best Diets for Seniors to Maintain Bone Health

Maintaining bone health as a senior is a great way to preserve mobility, independence, and overall health. Healthy bones reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis, which can be debilitating. By prioritizing bone health, seniors can live active lifestyles, participate in social activities, and live more fulfilling lives. One great way to preserve bone health […]

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How to Recognize Early Signs of Dementia in Loved Ones

When you love someone, you naturally want the best for them and their health. Early signs of dementia in a loved one can include the following symptoms of cognitive decline that can interfere with daily life: Loss of memory Difficulty with daily activities Changes in mood and behavior Confusion with time and place Problems with […]

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Do Compression Socks Help with Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide, from athletes to office workers to seniors spending their golden years enjoying a senior living community. Recent years have seen a surge in the popularity of compression socks as a non-invasive solution for alleviating various health concerns, including knee pain. Compression socks […]

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How Is Memory Care Different from Nursing Home?

Getting older brings a mix of wisdom and challenges, particularly when it comes to healthcare needs. As our demographics change, specialized care for seniors, especially those living with memory-related conditions, has become more and more important.  The dilemma often faced by caregivers and family members is choosing the appropriate care environment: memory care or a […]

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5 Tips for How to Keep Your Bones Strong as You Age

As you age, it’s normal for your body to go through some changes and challenges. One of the most prominent concerns for older adults is maintaining strong and healthy bones. This not only affects your physical mobility but also affects your risk of fractures and breaks. But don’t worry, keeping your bones strong doesn’t have […]

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Do Elderly Men Need Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels?

Many seniors live active lifestyles in engaged senior living communities that support assisted living. But despite this, it’s natural to experience age-related changes to their health.  For example, as men age, their testosterone levels can decline. Testosterone is important for various bodily functions, including muscle mass and bone density maintenance.  If symptoms of low testosterone […]

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